Grades 6-12
Youth Ministry Vision
WBBC Youth Ministry’s aim is to evangelize students, partner with parents, and equip students for ministry and life. We are committed to seeing students come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, to coming alongside parents in the task of raising students according to God’s Word, and to raising up the next generation of students to live faithfully and serve in the local church.
On top of this, we strive to make our Youth Group a safe and fun environment for all of the students. All of our volunteers are members of our church who have passed a background check. We also play lots of games and have time for fellowship whenever we meet.
Youth Strategy
We evangelize students through teaching them the Bible and showing them their need for Jesus Christ as the only hope for their salvation.
We partner with parents through encouraging them and coming alongside them as they train up their students in God’s Word.
We equip students for life and ministry through relationship-building activity, intentional discipleship, and service-oriented ministry.
If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, please contact Pastor Kevin wbbcyouthpastor@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Bible Study | Sundays 9:30-10:30am
Games, fellowship, and Bible Study | Wednesdays 6:30-7:45pm
Youth Camp | Every summer
Youth Hang Out Nights | Saturday evenings throughout the year