The music ministry of West Broadway Baptist Church is a vital part of our church community and serves as a vehicle for our members to use their God-given gifts to glorify God through music and the arts. We offer opportunities to make music using your vocal or instrumental talents. These opportunities include the Children’s Choir, the Sanctuary Choir, Praise Band, Vocal Praise Team, and other vocal ensembles, as well as solo performance.
Music Ministries
The Preschool Choir is the earliest entry into our comprehensive music ministry. The children learn to express their joy of music by learning the elementary truths about God, Jesus, and the Bible, as well as the fundamentals of music. The Preschool Choir is open to all children ages three through five.
Our Children’s Choir exists to provide the foundational theological and musical training essential for training up children in the nurture and instruction of the Lord. The Children’s Choir presents the Vacation Bible School music and Christmas musical each year, and sings in our worship services on an occasional basis. The Children’s Choir is open to all children to participate from kindergarten through 5th Grade.
The Sanctuary Choir is the primary worship leading ensemble for our weekly worship gatherings. We sing in a variety of genres and styles from traditional to contemporary. In addition to helping lead the worship on Sunday mornings, the Sanctuary Choir presents a Christmas and Easter musical each year. We also perform for special services and at other venues in the community such as nursing homes. Everyone from teenagers to senior adults is welcome to sing in our choir.
The Praise Band is comprised of various instrumentalists who use their God-given talents to accompany the congregation and Praise Team in worship. We usually meet on Sunday mornings prior to the service to rehearse.
The Praise Team is an ensemble made up of talented men and women who help lead our weekly worship services. These folks are not just talented but have a heart for God and delight in knowing God more and making Him known in worship.
If you are interested in any of our music ministries or have any questions, please contact Pastor Brent wbbcmusic@gmail.com.