Visiting a new church can be intimidating.
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We invite you to worship with us each Sunday in our sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. We offer a nursery (all Sundays) and Children's Worship (most Sundays) concurrent with our worship services.
- MATTHEW 22:37
At West Broadway Baptist Church we seek to demonstrate our all-encompassing love for God in worship each week. Our philosophy of worship is founded upon Romans 12: 1-2, where the Christian is urged to “offer [their] bodies as a “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (CSB). It is this emphasis on the personal spirituality of our everyday lives that brings authenticity to our corporate worship of God.
Our worship services are comprised of scripture readings, sermons, music, prayers, and offerings. The music we sing, and play includes Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs that encompass the depth and breadth of Christian experience throughout the centuries.
• A warm and friendly congregation who is delighted to have you here.
• A family-oriented church that provides spiritual nurture for pre-schoolers, children, youth, singles, and couples.
• Bible study groups for all ages and stages of life.
• Worship of God through a blend of traditional and contemporary music that exalts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
• A biblical message that focuses on God’s Word and how it applies in the real world of today.
There are parking spaces on all sides of the church building, but we have designated guest parking on the west side of the building. There are also handicapped spaces designated throughout the parking lot by various entry doors.
You are welcome to use any of our entrances. If you are coming for the 10:45 a.m. worship service, you may enter through the front doors of the sanctuary on the north side of the building (facing Six Mile Lane). You will be greeted by one of our members who will be happy to assist you with getting settled in the sanctuary and answer any questions you may have.
If you are coming for the Bible Study time at 9:30, you may enter through the double doors facing the west side of the building (Historic Drive). That is where our Welcome Center is located, and greeters there will be able to direct you and your family members to a Bible Study class.
Every age has a part in the church. Your children are always welcome to remain with you in the sanctuary. WBBC provides a nursery for infants/toddlers during the Bible Study hour and the Worship Service. On most Sundays, a special children’s worship service is provided (the children leave the sanctuary to go with the children’s church workers to their designated worship area about 10 minutes into the service).
We have dedicated nursery workers who care for your infants while you are in Bible Study and the Worship Service. We have a sign-in/sign-out system for security. The nursery is in the center of the church building, in a room just behind the sanctuary. You can get to the nursery from any of the various entrances. A greeter will be happy to assist you.
The Bible Study time features multiple classes with gifted teachers where there is an opportunity for teaching and discussion about life application. You will be in a class with a group of people like you, seeking answers to life’s questions from the Bible. A greeter will be happy to direct you and your family members to a Bible Study class.
We have congregational singing (typically “blended” with a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary praise choruses), choir specials, prayer, a time of offering (guests should not feel obligated to give), and a biblical sermon from God’s Word focused on practical application in today’s world (you can listen to previous messages on this website). We use a video projection system to project the words of the songs and the message outline up on a screen at the front of the sanctuary.
There is no dress code. The attire of our church family on a typical Sunday morning ranges from “business” to “casual” dress. Most people probably fall somewhere in the middle, in the “business casual” range.
Normally from 60-70 minutes.