How to Join Our Church
How to Join Our Church
God desires for us to be identified with Him and His Bride, the Church (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 5:25-32). Joining a church visibly demonstrates your commitment to Christ and to His kingdom. As pilgrims in a spiritual journey, we need to be in community with other believers for encouragement, support, service and mission.
Express your desire to join, either by filling out the Communication Card during a worship service or letting one of our pastors know your intention. Every few months, we have a “New Members and Inquirers Class.” This class meets on a Sunday immediately after the worship service from 12:15 – 2:00 (lunch and child care provided). Check the Church Calendar for our next class. This class gives you an opportunity to meet the pastoral staff, hear more about WBBC’s vision and mission, get a tour of the church facilities, and ask any questions you have about membership (i.e. What does it mean to be a Christ follower? How can I be baptized? How can I serve in the church? How to I connect with a small group?).
If you have any questions about membership, please contact Pastor Tim at wbbcpastor@gmail.com.